Writing: The Secret To My Inspiration

I'm currently plotting the sequel to Intertwined, and though I've always had a loose outline in my mind, I was sort of hoping that the second part of the storyline would be easier to write than the first part. So not the case! 

Over the last week, I think I've spent more time experimenting on how I can sharpen my focus long enough to plot a decent story arc than actually plotting! 

For example, I recently started walking two miles a day (since as a writer I tend to sit on my butt for hours on end), but because I can't stand the idea of doing anything that takes away from "writing time", I decided to bring my earphones along so I could listen to music and plot while I walked. 

Well...as it turns out, I'm just as easily distracted walking as I am anywhere else. There I was, totally in the zone, working up to a nice brisk walk, listening to my favorite music, when a long line of rosebushes sprang up out of nowhere and threw bees at me! Yes, bees! I, of course, took off running down the sidewalk like a mad person, and when I reached the crosswalk, I stood there dancing around and jamming my finger on the crosswalk button, pretending I was just like any other jogger trying to keep a steady pace, when, in actuality, I was trying to outrun the one lone bee that had decided to follow me. And it just so happened that I was stuck at a major four way intersection so, needless to say, I looked rather ridiculous for three minutes.

Now, for those of you who don't know me, you should probably know that I have a tendency to exaggerate whenever I speak of bees--mainly because I absolutely despise bees and they scare the crap out of me. In my mind, I picture them as poisonous needles with wings. That said, the rosebushes didn't so much as throw bees at me as they did showcase them, and the bees didn't so much as attack me as they did buzz around the roses at an uncomfortable distance from where I was walking. Still, though, that didn't keep me from running down the sidewalk, and I swear, one bee did follow me.

The point is, after that, I couldn't focus for the life of me on plotting. All I could think about was the next rosebush to happen upon my path. I think tomorrow I'll try walking on the opposite side of the street. Maybe there's less rosebushes on that side.  

Anyway, when walking didn't work, I basically went back to staring at my computer screen. I was about to call it a day when the song "Reflektor" by Arcade Fire started playing. I don't know what it is about this band, but every time I hear their music, I am magically transported to this place inside my mind where ideas are born and stories are created. I listened to the entire album and within the hour, the sequel was outlined and I knew how to start my first chapter. 

For those of you who have never listened to Arcade Fire, please do yourself a favor and buy their latest album, or all of their albums for that matter. Every song is amazing! I'm actually going to the Arcade Fire concert in Mountain View this July 30th! I can't wait! 

The majority of my inspiration for Intertwined, and now its sequel, is credited in large part to this band. They absolutely rock! If you want to get into the mindset for my stories, you can also listen to Arcade Fire on the Intertwined Playlist.  

Until next week!


  1. Your story about the bee attack will be a great scene in the sequel!


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