INTERTWINED Rewrite Complete!

A year ago, INTERTWINED was edited by the brilliant Jennifer Sommersby Young. Since then, it's gone through extensive rewrites and, despite the hardships over the past year, has managed to evolve into the kind of story I've only ever dreamed of. Though I continually set goals for myself, life inevitably gets in the way, which is why I refrain from setting a release date--even now when I feel the story's so close to being finished!

INTERTWINED has, once again, entered the Beta-reading phase and will more than likely go through another round of content editing before it ever sees the light of day. But hey--if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. I learn so much each time I go through this process, and it shows! Not just in my writing, but in the story, too. 

Trust me--I'm dying to release it! As terrified as I am, I can't wait to share it with the world. But I owe it to myself--and, hopefully, my future readers ;)--to see this through the right way. 

This really got me through the revision process. Initially, the rewrite was supposed to consist of structural changes, but the more I re-outlined the story, the more I realized that it needed a complete overhaul. The thought of going through it chapter by chapter and implementing these changes was so daunting I almost scrapped the story then and there. But I pushed through it, and now the story's what I always wanted it to be. 

For all you struggling writers out there--keep going! I promise, it'll be worth it. Don't give up on yourself, or your talent. And if you ever feel discouraged, look at Pinterest lol! There are tons of inspiring writerly comments that to speak to me when I need it the most. 

That's all for now! I'll keep you posted on the release date. 


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