Intertwined Series: Book 3 Title Reveal!

I'm so excited to announce the title of Book 3 in the Intertwined Series, the final installment in my Young Adult Paranormal Romance trilogy.

I absolutely LOVE this title! 

Why you might ask?

Because the word Raveled means to both tangle and untangle. Which is the perfect description for book 3.

is an interesting verb, in that it can mean both "tangle" and "untangle." So if you work to ravel yarn into a neat ball, your cat may come along and try to ravel it again. How can a word mean both one thing and its opposite? In the case of ravel, the answer is sewing: As threads come unwoven from a cloth, they become tangled on each other. Since untangling is never far from tangling, ravel covers both meanings.

I can't wait to see this title on the book cover! And I can't wait to share it with you! Raveled is slated for release fall of 2018, hopefully sooner. As this is the final installment in the series, there are many loose ends to wrap up and I want you to have the best conclusion to the series possible.

I will keep you posted on my progress.

Until then!


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